Novel and in-depth high quality research works, enthusiasm to publish in high IF journal supported with excellent data analysis, reviewed and defended with updated knowledge / information, team spirit and good editorial skills and contributions of all authors, added to this some International collaboration may be helpful but not mandatory. Money and idea are of course needed, but idea and its implementation counts much with novelty findings and a solution to any problem or high practical applicability and hypothetical values. Such authors need to be encouraged with some salary incentives and out of turn promotions and privileges. Yes to achieve this high goal - administrative reforms in form of identifying knowledgeable researchers, forming a high task research group with a team spirit and good delivery of funds supported with recent advances and moves are needed, HRD trainings, MOU with International reputed Univ./Institutes, knowledge sharing and brain-storming sessions, international exposures and many more.
I expect one such paper from you and while within India, Hope you can hit this goal with your very sound and knowledge ideas. Since all above qualities and vision and guidance as well as working in Premier Institute you have with you.