Once I have read that the development of a university is started from a teaching university, then a research university, and finally a entrepreneurial university. However, I forgot the reference about it. Please help me.
"The entrepreneurial university is a result of the working out of an “inner logic” of academic development that previously expanded the academic enterprise from a focus on teaching to research."
Actualy I need a reference about the definition and examples of a teaching university, a research university, and then a entrepreneurial university as stages of development of university. I read once (while taking a university management course in Oxford and Warwick), that Oxford was stated initially as a teaching university (collegiate), then develop as a research university before being an entrepreneurial university as of today. Unfortunately, somehow, I lost the reference. It needed as a reference for my paper regarding the issues, as you know that our government pushes all universities to become research universities even entrepreneurial universities ignoring those developmental steps.