Do anybody help me to get some materials on recent studies on certain parameters like chromatic number, matching number, independence number, dominating number etc. of hypergraphs and signed graphs?
I think the ultimate goal is to extend the famous Robertson-Seymour theory of graph minors to the case of signed graphs (and maybe even signed matroids).
There is one nice book called "Extremal graph theory" by Bela Bollobas. It is available in cheap paperback edition and contains tons of theorems on extremal graph theory. only drawback: It is from 1978, but it has very long list of references. For Hypergraphs there is "Graphs and Hypergraphs" by Claude Berge (1973). This book however does not treat the topic algorithmically, but in terms of complexity. Seymours theory on graph minors is also old. One nice book treating this topic is "Graphs on surfaces" by Bojan Mohar and Carsten Thomassen.