Now a days incidence of rugose spiralling white fly is more not only on the plantation crops but also on ornamental crops. What could be the posible reasons for this cause.
It is an exotic invasive pest introduced from USA probably in 2016. Since conditions are congenial for it's growth under these tropical climate and also due to it's highly polyphagous nature infecting more than 118 species of palms, ornamental, fruit and vegetables crops, the insect pest is finding it's presence in different regions of India.
Some natural enemies have been identified. Isarea fumoosrosea, Encarsia guadeloupae have been identified and they have been mass multiplied and being distributed to the farming community in areas of severe infestation of RSW. Our university conducted a webinar on Invasive Insect pests under Plant Protection Advisory Cell. I have written the proceedings and also published the same in Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems. Please go through it for your information.