Negative effect or much more degrees than the market can absorb is lower salaries and unemployment. Lack of proffesionals who choose vocational school who actually earn more money than the university degrees. The tendency last years in spain was 2/3 of students choose univerrsitiy and 1/3 vocational shools or high vocational school... So the university vs vocational school or high vocational schools (associates) is actually inverted.
Education is Education, whether through Pvt. Institutions or by way of Govt. Institutions. Sometime, we may experience the compromise being made with the quality of education, with mushrooming of Universities, but that can easily be curbed by adopting stringent measures by some regulatory body. As such no negative impact will be there, but sometimes we may experience a wide gap in the marks obtained in the course, and practical/workable knowledge.
In an under-performing economy it can lead to a large pool of frustrated skilled unemployed graduates. Inability to absorb the skills may present a huge challenge.
What are the negative effect of increasing the number of university in a country? I don't think that there will be a negative effects of increasing the number of university in a country if it is properly planned and evaluated before the university is opened. In otherwords the negative and positive effects of opening a university have to be evaluated and examined before the university is opened and I don' think that the concerned authorities will decide to open a university if the negative effects are greater than the positive effects.
Increasing the number of University is not a big problem. The subject matter is the congenial environment (research, lab, other educational facilities) of education.
I don't think that increasing the number of universities in a certain counntry will result in a lesser quality as the concerned authorities have to assure that they have all the necessary resources to secure the level of quality of the university that they are opening.
Increase of Universities in any country, is a not issue but should not comprise on quality of the education. If comprise the university will be counted for paper degree and loss of generations for decades.
I do not think that the standard of education can be decreased if a country increases the number of Universities. This is because that the concerned authorities have to be able to take the necessary measures to assure that the standard of will not be affected negatively. However, if the standard of education is decreased in not the result of increasing the number of universities and it is because the concerned authorities have not take the necessay measures.
بالعكس فزيادة عدد الجامعات بالبلاد تعمل علي زيادة اعداد الملتحقين بها وتكون هناك منافسة سواء في الخبرة التعلميمية او اعضاء هيئة التدريس الذين يجب ان يكونوا علي قدر عال من المهارة والخبرة وذلك اذا كانت هذه الجامعات تعمل علي تنمية هؤلاء الملتحقين بها
Increase of nations universities may require a lot of fund to make it standard by not jeopardizing the quality. This also can lead to increase in students to lecturers ratio. So in the absence of quality facilities, low qualities will be the product.