The higher the degree of crystallinity, generally, the less light can pass through the polymer. Crystallinity leads to better strength, stiffness, and stability. Flexible electronics are highly recommended these days for cheap processing.
It is the only piezoelectric material belongs to polymer group. It makes devices flexible in true sense. In addition, It has good crystallinity and hence suitable for flexible devices.
PVDF is a very flexible piezoelectric material with lower electromechanical coupling than the PZT (around 10-20 times, the ration is lower (better) for d31 compared to d33). The density of PVDF is around 5 times less than PZT (very light material). An alternative to PVDF is piezoelectret foam which is very flexible and has higher coupling than PVDF (Comparere d33 coupling of 250 pC/N for foam to -30 pC/N for PVDF). In contrast, d31 coupling in these materials is very low. Piezoelectret foams are much less dense than PVDF.
PVDF is flexible polymer piezoelectric materials. Some times, it shows magnetoelectric properties also by combining with PZT. It has lots of electronic applications as sensors. For more details, please read review papers by Fiebig, G. Sreenivasan from Oakland University, W.C. Nan from Tsinghua University, Beijing....and others.
It is very sturdy material and sustain higher stress. It does not break or crack even if you apply comparatively more pressure. Good and stable material.