dear college,

  • How do educators assess the effectiveness and utility of ChatGPT as a virtual assistant for students in providing information on programs, courses, exams, and administrative matters?
  • To what extent does ChatGPT facilitate the research work of educators, particularly in terms of researching relevant scholarly articles and sources? What advantages and challenges do educators perceive in using ChatGPT in research?
  • What opportunities does ChatGPT offer in the realm of language training and learning new languages? How do educators evaluate the use of ChatGPT as a support tool for students to enhance their language skills?
  • To what extent can ChatGPT serve as online learning support, and what benefits does it provide for students in a digital learning environment? How do educators view the use of ChatGPT as additional support for online courses and e-learning platforms?
  • What concerns or challenges do educators identify regarding the application of ChatGPT in higher education? How can potential limitations, such as errors or limited currency of information, be effectively addressed?
  • From my point of view I think, that by surveying educators about their experiences and perspectives on the application of ChatGPT, insights can be gained that shed light on both the potentials and limitations of this technology in higher education settings.

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