We usually base on well-established theories, which, in my opinion, could be referred to as "applied" theories (i.e. we apply/use these theories to build up our research hypotheses) to develop and test research hypotheses. E.g., based on Theory of Planned Behavior (here comes as an "applied" theory), we hypothesize that students' positive attitudes toward entrepreneurship will have a direct positive influence on their entrepreneurial intentions.
On the other hand, there are always the cases that even we cite several theories during the process of building research hypotheses, but we add new variables, which are not included in our "cited" theories. In this case, can we still say that we apply/base on several theories to develop our research hypotheses? For example, Can we say that based on two theories: Human Capital Theory, and Theory of Planned Behavior, we hypothesize that Entrepreneurship Education has positive effect on students' entrepreneurial intentions?
Then, how should we distinguish a "cited" theory from an "applied" theory in research papers?