Assuming you are required to advise on suggested and possible MIS dissertation areas for a graduate student who is currently studying for a masters (MSC) degree in business administration. What would it be?
An interesting topic could be the evolution of the role of CIOs, as for example cloud computing is a game changer. Some researchers even speak about a new paradigm or a new era in I.S. More globally, you could also study the changes in IS governance (distributed, or even shifting toward information governance).
If you are studying B.A. in the master program, it is recommended that you had MIS. MIS is information technology; therefore, you should have no problem in IT dissertation. In addition, a B.A. covers many business courses including MIS. In addition, the student needs to focus on the MIS course completed in the Business Administration Program because it is starting point. Moreover, read everything about IT, IT journals, newspaper, google scholar and google e-book online are helpful. I hope this help.
You should research a phenomena that you are keenly interested in. The world of IS is ripe with areas that have been studied. A couple of domains where there has been relatively nascent research is in the realm of e-government and e-health services. These domains can take on a myriad of directions. You could look at areas such as aligning the IT strategy with the business strategy, globalization of IS and its implications, and social or health informatics come to mind. The point is, that you should study something that is of particular interest to you, to hold your attention and to give your project life. The intent is to add or create knowledge to the extant literature on the subject.
An interesting topic is the application of IS in service operations management. According to my recent research there a lot applications for manufacturing (tangible products). However, services have unique characteristics and depend on customer requirements and satisfaction. How to use IS in such case is a very thought-provoking issue...