The conventional interpretation of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies is that they represent the result of a primordial ‘minefield’ of Dirac-delta energy concentrations that has a characteristic comoving spatial distance between the mines. The mines all exploded at the time of the big bang, generating what evolved into spherical baryonic-matter pressure waves in the primordial plasma, and the time of recombination just happened to coincide with the time when the diameters of the pressure waves were approximately equal to the characteristic scale of the minefield. The observed CMB anisotropies are believed to reflect the spatial form of the universe’s matter at the time of recombination.
This concept appears to be purely speculative, with no underlying mechanism proposed for the existence and form of the ‘minefield’, other than generic allusions to quantum events.
Even if this conceptual model is valid, it doesn’t imply anything about the behavior of dark matter- dark matter doesn’t care about baryonic pressure gradients. A random field of dark matter particle concentrations would have initiated its gravitational collapse process as soon as the particles formed, presumably the time of baryogenesis. At that early time the universe was extremely small (and gravitational accelerations extremely rapid). The dark matter would have collapsed hierarchically: smaller dark matter concentrations would consolidate most rapidly, medium-sized concentrations would have taken longer to consolidate, and really-large scale concentrations would still be far from consolidated. The same process can be described as small voids forming initially, as particles were gravitationally drawn away from lower-density regions, and those small voids subsequently expanding and merging into ever-larger voids, eventually comprising inter-cluster space.
Initially, when the cosmic velocities of dark matter concentrations were small, the collapses would have been towards the centers of local regions of above-average dark matter density. These collapses would have led to the formation of black holes, comprised of dark matter, with a wide range of sizes. As time passed and medium-sized dark matter concentrations started to collapse, their components would have developed significant amounts of angular momentum. They would have collapsed into gravitationally-bound dynamic systems, the beginning of the cosmic web. Those systems would have contained both the first generation of black holes, still feeding, and substantial amounts of dark matter particles.
At any given point in time, the evolving cosmic web would have a characteristic scale, reflecting the overall progress of the gravitational collapse process. In general, voids smaller than the characteristic scale would be slowly growing and merging, but at larger scales there would not yet have been enough time for significant density changes and void-mergers to occur.
By the time of recombination, the evolving dark matter web would have been surrounded by local concentrations of baryonic matter, unable to collapse deeper into the web because of the primordial plasma’s pressure. However, in inter-cluster space the vacuum would have been almost perfect. Following recombination, the baryonic matter halos would have started to collapse gravitationally into the dark matter halos, and the baryonic matter would have tended to be drawn towards the largest dark matter black holes. Galaxies would start to form, and increasing angular momentum at all scales would stabilize the forms of both the dark matter web and of the galaxies and their contents.
This process is entirely different from the conventional model of massive and super-massive black holes: that they formed by the gradual consumption, by early post-recombination supernova-remnant black holes, of large numbers of stars, of other supernova-remnant black holes, and of competitors. In this model, there were no massive or super-massive black holes at the time of recombination. This conventional model is currently being challenged by the James Webb Space Telescope’s identification of numerous super-massive black holes at very high redshifts.
So, a proposition: that the current cosmic web of dark matter was largely complete by the time of recombination, and it included both dark matter particles and dark matter black holes of all sizes. The web has evolved further since then, with more of the dark matter more localized into sheets and filaments and super-massive black holes. The cosmic minefield, and the baryon acoustic oscillations, are illusions.