You will find statistical information worldwide from WHO site -World Organisation of Health. Yes, currently available findings suggest increasing number of vitrectomies, including 25G. I don't think that article comparing these two types of surgery exist from ophthalmological point of view, may from statistical or economical one.
Hi Amra. Increased number of vitrectomies can only be seen in developing countries like ours, because the culture and the habits of the population are still the same as they were 25 years ago. They go to the doctor only when they feel the pain... The same can be addressed to the diabetic retinopathy. There's been a recent article in one of the Australian newspapers where they stated that vitreoretinal surgeon will be out of business in the next few years due to an excellent healthcare culture of their population, mainly diabetics, as well as optimal and on time treatment of any metabolic changes on the retina.
Vitrectomies mostly done either for retinopathes or complicated cataract surgeries and it will be less needed with more experience and more advanced machines our locality it is much less than cataract surgery...roughly speaking it is one for every 100 cataract surgeries...did you encourage me to study this relation ?
Cataract Surgery is the leading surgery performed in the field of Ophthalmology. Vitrectomy is no way comparable to the number of catarct extractions performed worldwide. But the percentage of Vitrectomies is on the rise due to more trained personnel available in the field I.e. there are more vitreoretinal surgeons today than in the past years and they treat many retinopathies with Vitrectomies. Since the prevalence and incidence of Diabetic retinopathy is increasing worldwide, the number of Vitrectomies is expected to increase but not in proportion to That of cataract surgeries.