I'm looking for published studies from Asia, Africa, South America and eastern/southern Europe investigating how addition of physical structures/shelters or bottom substrate (i.e. "physical environmental enrichment") into fish tanks and ponds affect the fish (growth/survival/physiology/behaviour etc.). I'm mostly interested in papers published by national publishers (which still appear to be live and well in the above mentioned areas), i.e. papers that are not so easily found in a Google Scholar, Scopus or Web of Knowledge search. If the paper has been published by any of the larger publishers (Elsevier/Blackwell/Springer etc.) I have probably seen it already.

An example of such a study is: Narejo et al. 2003. "Effect of Different Shelters on Growth, Survival and Production of Freshwater mud eel, Monopterus cucitici (Hamilton) Reared in Cemented Cisterns of BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh." Pakistan Journal of Biological Science

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