1. First of all, give the name and the contact information of a (human) person which can be contacted to discuss the problems which the site gives.
2. I had given the full information on my research output, including copies of all (hundreds) scientific papers. Now suddenly, without any reason, some 30 papers are lost. What has happened? Please tell me.
3. I all my contributions I had given carefully the correct names for the authors of the papers. I note that you ignore my input and give different names, sometimes absolutely different persons. I wish you to stop such dramatic errors.
4. All my research output is the result of the hard work in the research group and project Semiconductor Physics at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, under my leadership, prof. dr. C.A.J. Ammerlaan. That information should be given, also after April 1st 2023.
5. Please send me a reply, preferably within one week.