Hello, I am Mr. Nobody and I feel a bit alone (fortunately I have sense of humour). It is time to express what a lot of people know but nobody says (to mention the ghost in the science atmosphere): The king is naked. For what? Just to speak, for conversation. Where on hell are the ideas? I read scientific papers and papers but I do not see ideas (good or bad). Where is the new knowledge? What is the advance useful for Human development produced by psychology? At least in my field Psychology but I know that also in others fields this questions are unsolved. Today science is “much to do about nothing”. It is a system far from perfect, but is it the less bad one of the possible science systems? I do not think so. There is a war inside the labs, Universities, science Institutions…between explorers (people who wants to explore the space, the mind, the nature) and normatives (staff against any change, that believes that to build knowledge is like to build a wall, step by setp, stone by stone following the method). Both personalities are incompatible: rules against creativity, extrinsic motivation against intrinsic one, boring and false predictability against uncertainty. The normatives have developed a science system based on extrinsic motivation (with punishment and rewards, directed to our mamamiam brain if you follow or unfollow the rules, if you fill the forms, if you behave like a good boy…). But science needs rebelds with a cause (to explore), to go inside the blind zone we need metaphors not thousands of administrative acts. Scientifics today behave like philosophical zombies without alternative. There is a big pressure to copy the empty model (the young students believe there is just one option, the empty model or you will be rejected and in any case all the time supervised). Then you follow the wrong rewards (big CVs about nothing). A joke: Four scientifics around a table discuss “who is the best”: I put 85 on the table. Here you are my 100. I win. We can describe a long list of significant problems in Science: There is not self-criticism (where is meta-science, the science of science; self-conciousness, philosophy of science, pragmatics of science)? The peer review normative prejudices; the dictatorship of journals; the principle of authority. Replicability. The relevance of dependent variables like Reaction Time; the Neuro-mania; The absence of author rights. The abuse about post graduate students. The narcissism of scientifics (vanity). The automatic and biased long way between the idea and its publication in a journal: idea, scientific method, experiments, statistical analysis, scientific writing, peer review… At what point in this timeline an idea becomes science? At the end? Then unpublished research is not science? Journals are the bottleneck of scientific ideas? Imagine any other real domain (police, cooks, hospitals, sports…) where you must wait until at least two peers tell you that your work is well done. When did science forget its origin? Its relationship with real life, with people, with wellbeing, with consciousness, reflection, with knowledge, with a real product… And It becomes just a way of life, an ornament, business, religion, politics, a microworld , a club or an army? When did scientifics forget to think by themselves? We need a deep change, a revolution. We need to scape from the spiderweb, but who can stop the big machine in the wrong direction? The game: We can play a game (a youtube video-game) if you wish (it would be a good idea if researchgate let videos in the web). This is the game: Anyone of us (the researchers) can indicate in a video their main contribution to science, knowledge or humanity in just a couple of minutes, in an informative form (to be understood by anyone, like a friend conversation). Please not science-fiction: just say what you have done that is useful for world-space-mind- sea-society knowledge. Not what you wish to do or that you study a microlab effect that it is supposed to be related with a real important thing one day. Good sentences would be: I have done X (I discovered a good treatment against X illness). Probably after my death I will be remembered by that. Or perhaps your main contribution is just your CV, your impact index, your list of publications. Your indexes that nobody understands and are weakly related with microworld importance of sometype.