I am running a DFT calculation using Gaussian 05,,, but the output / log file shows the above mentioned statement. I tried with all possible changes which can be made in input file and checked the space b/w the lines and keywords, but unable to get the converged structure. Can any one help me to solve this convergence problem?
My Input file is like this..
# opt freq b3lyp/6-31g geom=connectivity
Title card
0 1
C -6.02619527 9.44527291 -0.71253003
C -4.97668356 9.89555985 -1.74430456
C -5.41433211 9.54127357 -3.18798470
C -7.65683239 10.03305367 -2.44048523
C -7.30718981 10.22873199 -0.96683834
H -5.27098963 9.94279746 -4.16774469
H -4.82659707 10.95398877 -1.66069636
H -6.20196164 8.40208993 -0.83104254
H -7.85894719 9.00324965 -2.64166873
H -7.13425811 11.26665372 -0.78372848
O -6.53256968 10.46693586 -3.22290224
O -5.56381472 9.69389357 0.61729905
O -8.36655799 9.76938263 -0.10288899
C -8.90267268 10.86635140 -2.79984380
H -8.71454864 11.90018067 -2.60784077
H -9.72858740 10.54498701 -2.20802438
O -9.20429830 10.68541419 -4.18551448
H -8.46665363 10.98542331 -4.71919452
H -9.17399192 10.26804893 -0.26957573
H -5.39756593 10.62148689 0.73301079
O -4.05417354 9.58839301 -3.16755348
O -3.70377791 9.16457303 -1.47569403
H -3.58492919 9.53697555 -3.89463091
H -2.87727273 9.25288215 -2.08709783
B -1.71685742 8.59334576 -4.26508851
O -2.97405212 9.47014766 -4.68353092
H -3.33306313 9.06071177 -5.47655795
O -0.37714720 8.54894999 -5.03191713
H 0.22561508 7.94829750 -4.59308374
O -2.00900133 9.22803064 -2.58256445
H -1.38453846 8.69191602 -2.08439557
O -2.24696092 7.14354050 -4.13098207
H -1.61273913 6.59985936 -3.63238399
H -2.36881319 6.77772795 -5.00860295
And output file terminates as....
End of file reading connectivity.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /usr/local/g09_b01/g09/l101.exe