In the last discussion,I suggested“QED uses other particles(like γ) to explain intrinsic properties(Magnetic moment ) of the eletron family is not reasonable”,but Mr. Olaussen didn’t think so, he thought I had“confuse the procedure of mathematically constructing real particles by a quantum superpositions of some idealised "bare" particles (f.i. bare electrons, positrons and photons) with stringent philosophical views about nature”
After a week of reflection,I think we could explore the topic in a different way.
In the past week,I had collected the intrinsic properties of the electron family,and found two questions about anomalies:
Well,to summarize,my point of view is “The electron family is transformed from point structure to meson or positronium structure by neutrino decay,and change the mass of the electrons,then affect the value of magnetic moment.”(Please refer to the paper “”for details)
If some people also wants to know the details of strong interaction,Please refer to the paper“”for details.