I am implementing the BoltzTraP (boltztrap-1.2.5 version) code on VASP, I got the outputs without error for the case without spin orbit coupling (SOC). But, an error 'STOP error in factorization' is found when I performed the calculations with SOC. I found through forums/online that the repetition of k-points is one of the error sources but I did not find such repetition in k-points in my EIGENVAL/PbTe.energyso. I used the flag -so also as mentioned in BoltzTraP guide. But the error is still there.
And when I saw the weights/energy of the k-points, I found some of the k-points were having identical weights/energy. Do I need to delete (one of two) such equivalent k-points from EIGENVAL/PbTe.energyso before implementing on BoltzTraP? Or What could be the solution?
Any suggestions/help would be highly appreciated!!
(For more info: As a sample, I have also attached the EIGENVAL/PbTe.energyso files (obtained using 4*4*4 k-points) here, where 3-pairs of the k-points are equivalent on the basis of their weights/energy.)