What is the spectrum of graphs having a vertex of full degree? A vertex v is said to be full degree vertex if deg(v)=n-1, where n is the number of vertices in G.
Thank you very much for your answer. I know the spectrum of the complete graph and star graph. In general, if G has a full vertex degree I have observed the following:
1. Spectral radius is nearly equal to $\Delta(G)$
2. Some times all eigenvalues are integers. Therefore, G may be integral graph.
3. If G is not star graph and having full vertex degree then G is non-bipartite graph. Therefore, spectrum of non-bipartite graph may help to characterize these graphs.
In general can we write a theorem for general graphs having full degree vertex?
Actually I was expecting something different answer. I am sorry I couldn't able to greet both of you. Sure we will work on this topic. If I do any progress I will mail you.