
Does anyone know of any credible sources which might be useful in researching various forms of neuroweapons, such as those which use electromagnetic radiation or fields to affect general features of cognition, influence certain types of brain activity, or even ones which may affect heart rates (perhaps by stimulating certain effects in the brain) or other physiological phenomena which is also causally influenced by events in the brain?

Also, works which relate to either long- or short-distance transmission of waves which may transmit to and/or elicit activity in relation to parts of the brain involved in speech, imagery and thought processing, or also in relation to memory formation and recall.


If this question sounds interesting to you, I recommend reading up on "targeted individuals" through a Google search. I assume that in this venue, you are all able to distinguish between claims that can be easily debunked via verifiable scientific reasoning and those which should be taken credibility (or at least plausibly, even if they do not sound relevant to your personal experiences) in view of the sheer volume of people producing decent (unscientific) writing on the matter.

My goal is to develop a better understanding of psychological and social techniques which may serve a preventative role against such risks. I'm trying to find some scientifically relevant information which may help to produce some hypotheses about what those who are not privy to access to such weaponry (the public) might need to be ready for. I am writing a book on this called the "anti-brainwashing toolkit", a very early and incomplete draft of which is available from www.truthtopowers.org/. Critical feedback is more than welcome.

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