Is it appropriate to initiate a substantial amendment after the study completion which has been declared to the competent authorities, i.e. the status of the trial is more than 90 days after Last Patient Last Visit?

Example 1: Assuming that you want to change the primary efficacy analysis applying a model-based analysis instead of a nonparametric test in a double-blind randomized clinical trial with longitudinal data. One reason might be that you are faced with a higher proportion of study dropouts than expected during the planning stage. A modeling approach now seems more suitable to deal with these methodological challenges.

Example 2: Suppose you wanted to modify the main analysis of a multi-arm trial (e.g. placebo/low/high dosage) by replacing the closed testing procedure specified in the protocol with a hierarchical testing strategy (clinically justified).

Is it advisable to justify these changes only in the *Statistical Analysis Plan* which is finalized before breaking the blind?

What do you think?

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