Hi all,

I am currently in the exploration of detecting multi-stage cyber attacks. I've encountered challenges regarding the availability and quality of existing benchmark datasets. Many publicly accessible datasets either present limitations in scope, featuring only simple and isolated attack types like port scans and Denial of Service (DoS) activities, or offer few complete scenarios, often outdated. For example, datasets such as DARPA 2000, with its two multi-step Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) scenarios, and UNB ISCX 2012, featuring an Island-hopping scenario, fall short due to their age and limited representation of contemporary attack strategies.

I'm reaching out to the cybersecurity research community with the following question: Are there any recent public datasets that encompass complete attack scenarios?

Your insights and recommendations would be invaluable in advancing our understanding and capabilities for detecting complex cyber threats.

looking forward to engaging in a stimulating discussion on this crucial aspect of cybersecurity research.

Best regards,

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