Copyright В.И.Тюрин-Авинский, 2002
Earlier unknown law is discovered according which dynamic balance, optimal organization, harmony and nature’s, man’s, society’s beauty is ensured by alpha-principle with the aid of alpha-metrics and frame alpha-pentastructures of stresses.
This new knowledge can be swiftly used in many fields.
Modern paradigm reached the limit of it’s resources
Only ten years ago philosophers and science historians stated that forming of modern scientific picture of the world is finished and it is going production of science body. Analogy of science appeared as a beautiful graceful building for which physics serves as its seismo proved base.
In public mind the illusion appeared that highs of knowledge are reached but in reality there is “approximate contents and common incompleteness” (J.S.Narsky)
Under the influence of many unexplained nature’s phenomena and human’s phenomena and also because of internal defects this “graceful building” will crumble during the first earthquake. We entered transition period of turning of our earth’s civilization possessing with energy consumption of 10 in 20degree erg/sec in sidereal civilization of 10 in33degree erg/sec which accordingly must understand world’s system 13 cuts above. So modern quant-mechanical and geosocial paradigm reached the limit of it’s recourses to explain Universe. It practically does not give effective means to reconstruct it according to needs of our development.
Searching for key factor
Now existing scientific theories have presentations to equivalent description and explanation of our world’s essence but it can’t do this. Deep cause of Nature, it’s motive power remains not exposed. Scientists dream of discovery of common integral law, which was named by R.Feinman a law of “internal structure of our Universe”.
If such a law exists then approach to it probably must be searched in structural-morphological and metrical properties of micro- and key factor which ensures the stability and intercommunication of micro world, molecules, human in multimeasured space.
To search such a key factor of Nature an original analysis is undertaken:
• Of geometrical structure of visible forms of famous objects;
• Numerical lines and main quantity parameters of Nature, human and his activity results;
• Modern ideas about multimeasure of space and time;
• Elements of sociology, economy and culture
What is first-created alpha-principle?
Earlier unknown law is discovered according which, as we suppose, universal fundamental constant “11” and equaling to it critical angle “alpha” lays in base of Universe.
New “alpha-law” is discovered, which is described as simple equation = n11 (here “n” is whole number). It means that main parameter of optimal organized system is always multiple to world constant “11”. This statement is confirmed by “human” and many other systems in nature, whose main parameters are multiply to number “11”.
Such conceptions are introduced:
• Alpha-value = n11
• Alpha-adjoined value = n11 (value of deviation accepted by agreement, but not larger than + -2)
• Alpha-packet a+b+...+q = n11
• Alpha-cascade a-b = n11
The cascade alpha-pentastructures can be:
• Two-dimension ones, then they are modeled in circle alpha-pentastructure of V.F.Terioshin
• Three-dimension ones, then they are modeled by pentoid and spherepentoid by V.I.Avinsky
• Existence of n-dimension alpha-pentastructures are supposed.
Alpha-principle is not magic of number “11” alone, but it is harmonic totality (alpha–matrix) of quantities, created by procedure of quantum making of constant “11”.
Alpha-principle is applied everywhere
The numerous manifestations of alpha-metrics and alpha-pentastructures are discovered in sociosphere, economy, architecture, technology, in many fields of science, medicine, poetry, music, art, sports.
Probably it is a new law of internal structure of our world. Discovered new knowledge can promote to decide not only theoretic but also many applied problems and first of all problems of human’s life-asserting.
Discoveries in these fields have “Know-How” and patent-ability decisions. We propose different forms of cooperation and partly concession of rights.
Independent researcher, author of the discovery,
Academician of International Informatization Academy.
D.Ph., V.I.Tyuryn-Avinsky
443100, Russia, Samara
p/o box 541
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