My Dear Network, As a graduate of two fields of second degree of studies, I would like to takre up Ph.D. but I have some difficulties. Could You help me, please?
Thus, most important (for me!) is syntesis, especially similarities between Your two fields of second degree of studies. After this, you are must a planning your thesis and methodes, with discussion and conclusion of your dissertation. its my option. My doctorate thesis (in Zagreb University before 16 years) based on results conducted on applied methodes in geomorphology and geoecology analyses which resulted goals of the Environmental Development plan for Rakitnica Canyon in Bosnia, as Protected area and suistainable tourism. Its was my opinion.
I have made a logical assumption that I am going to write about smart city based on case of Gdansk and use odf various of tools and methods of artificial intelligence implemented in improving any weak feature of functioning this city. What do You Alen Lepirica think about my concetp?
It is the perfect conjunction of education experiences because your DBMS knowledge is highly useful for urban planning. However, it might be too complicated to elaborate smart cities topic as it requires mostly big data knowledge and experience. Perhaps, you could devise your workflow to assess areas which are suitable for different land-use types, using DBMS.
I must see a strucure of your doctor thesis. Introduction ., main structure - results of the used scientific methodes, discussion and conclusions at end.
I sent You original scientific paper on Russian languge from my colleague Zlata Gaev connected with the smart city. Probably - help you and open your "scientific views" for your thesis.You must translate this paper, or use google translator on internet - Russian-Poland language.