Einstein's Other Theory of Everything - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfIY2vf7c04

This video fascinates me – I’ve watched it about four times so far. Albert Einstein may have failed to develop his Unified Field Theory simply because he was born a hundred years too early. Getting born later would have allowed mathematics like base 2 maths (binary digits), topology, imaginary numbers, and Wick rotation to reach a sufficient level of maturity. He could use his famous intuition and curiosity to include these in his UFT, and there would be no need to put all his eggs in one basket by relying solely on equations. Then again, Wick rotation may never have been developed without Special Relativity … so Einstein might have been born at the right time.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Buchert in France suggests the universe could be a doughnut and that no Big Crunch is required for an oscillating doughnut universe – the cosmos contracts, then it starts expanding again and a new universe is born. What would the universe do if it wasn’t a doughnut but was the similarly shaped Mobius strip? Would its dynamics be the same? And what if the Mobius shape wasn’t on the cosmic scale of billions of light years? A popular science book I read (“A Brief History of Time” by Stephen Hawking) says that quantum spin really tells us what a particle looks like. For example, all particles of matter have a spin of ½ which means they must be completely rotated twice (720 degrees) to look the same. You have to go round a Mobius twice to return to your starting point. I think this suggests the Mobius might be on an infinitesimal scale compared to the universe and might actually be a fundamental constituent of every particle of matter (indeed, of any particle with mass). If bosons are also composed of Mobius strips, there would be a supersymmetry between fermions and bosons in which their basic composition is identical. Photons might be simply made of trillions of Mobius strips while more complex gravitons might be made of trillions of units where two Mobius bands unite to form a figure-8 Klein bottle.

The particles would gain their mass, not from the Higgs field, but by following a 1919 paper by Einstein which asked if gravitation and electromagnetism play a role in composing elementary particles. The gravitons resulting from the Klein bottles and the photons resulting from Mobius strips could interact, producing momentum and pressure interpreted as mass. The matter particle’s quantum spin of ½ would be a result of the photon vector’s spin 1 being divided by the graviton vector’s spin 2 (William Rowan Hamilton defined his 1843 quaternions as the quotient of two vectors). Interaction can also produce 2/1 which is the quantum spin of the graviton. An assembly of countless gravitons might form the intense gravity of a black hole. Gravitation and electromagnetism alone could make the Unified Field. The strong and weak nuclear forces aren’t necessary to do this since photon-graviton interaction could produce the forces’ bosons. If the Mobius is a fundamental part of all fermions and bosons, isn’t that just a different way of saying it affects the entire universe (without being billions of light years in size)?

Let’s imagine the Big Crunch of a hypothetical oscillating cosmos doesn’t proceed all the way to an infinitely dense singularity (which it can’t if the universe is a doughnut or Mobius band). This is reminiscent of another sentence in that popular science book. Hawking said singularities and boundaries don’t occur in imaginary time. So the universe would have no beginning or end. It seems to me that imaginary time could possibly be an integral part of the universe. It would be part of the Mobius loop making up each of the particles (massive or force-carrying) in the universe.

At the start of the 20th century, physicist Max Planck assumed that electromagnetic radiation can only be emitted or absorbed in discrete packets, called quanta. He thought of his discovery as nothing more than a math device … a kind of trickery. Einstein developed his explanation of the photoelectric effect from this “mathematical convenience”. So it appears entirely possible that another supposed mathematical trickery (Wick rotation’s imaginary time and y-axis) will find practical application in the future.

Imaginary time might be represented mathematically by the real + imaginary numbers of Wick rotation – and it might be composed of the ones and zeros of base 2 maths encoding not only mass and real time on the x-axis but also dark matter and imaginary time on the y-axis. In physical terms, the mass and dark matter are produced by the curvilinear, rotating gravitational and electromagnetic waves of curved space-time. Binary base-2 maths’ string of ones and zeros also encode the Mobius, which can be seen as a loop possessing a twist or as a twisted string.

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