Response To Science Magazine Article (Reply Connects Meteorology With - Via Wick Rotation And The Riemann Hypothesis - Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Higgs/Nuclear-Force Bosons, And Planet Mercury’s Precession)

Your article “Wild Weather” in Cosmos magazine was really informative, and a pleasure to read! It got me thinking. The parts about bombogenesis, atmospheric river, and conservation of angular momentum lead - via Wick Rotation and the Riemann hypothesis - to an explanation of Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Higgs/nuclear-force bosons, and planet Mercury’s precession. These things might interest you since Cosmos described you as an “all-round science nerd”.

Since I have a bit of trouble understanding angular momentum, I tried to think of more familiar explanations where you mentioned that. For example – “polewards flow results in an air mass moving higher in the atmosphere the further it travels” became, in my mind, the flowing air couldn’t travel further if there was a lot of dense air blocking it (the air mass in front of the flowing air needs to have low pressure which is consistent with higher altitude). And “as the pool of cold air conserves its momentum as it shifts towards the equator” became … the cold, dense air pushes its way through the equatorial warmer, more rarefied air.

Though the equations of conservation laws might give a more precise answer, the above reasoning opens the door to the possibility that conservation laws aren’t always necessary. They may be less than 100% accurate, with a “loophole” that allows mass and energy to leave familiar space-time and escape into another dimension. Such a possibility could be illustrated by Wick rotation’s x-axis (representing our space-time) and its y-axis (the other dimension).


Figure 1 – Wick Rotation (attached)

Of course, angular momentum is included in this description even if mass-energy can leak into another dimension. We can think of it as spin – with a downwards spin or rotation of air molecules pushing other air molecules down and resulting in the first molecules rising to a higher altitude. The spin/rotation might clear away a lower-altitude, warmer air mass and conserve the properties of a pool of cold air which pushes its way through the equatorial warmer, more rarefied air.


The Riemann hypothesis, proposed in 1859 by the German mathematician Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann, is fascinating. It seems to fit these ideas on various subjects in physics very well. The Riemann hypothesis doesn’t just apply to the distribution of prime numbers but can also apply to the fundamental structure of the mathematical universe’s space-time. In mapping the distribution of prime numbers, the Riemann hypothesis is concerned with the locations of “nontrivial zeros” on the “critical line”, and says these zeros must lie on the vertical line of the complex number plane i.e. on the y-axis in Wick rotation. Besides having a real part, zeros in the critical line (the y-axis) have an imaginary part. This is reflected in the real +1 and -1 of the x-axis in Wick rotation, as well as by the imaginary +i and -i of the y-axis. In the upper half-plane, a quarter rotation plus a quarter rotation equals a half – both quadrants begin with positive values and ¼ + ¼ = ½. (The Riemann hypothesis states that the real part of every nontrivial zero must be 1/2.) While in the lower half-plane, both quadrants begin with negative numbers and a quarter rotation plus a negative quarter rotation equals zero: 1/4 + (-1/4) = 0. * In the Riemann zeta function, there may be infinitely many zeros on the critical line. This suggests the y-axis is literally infinite. To truly be infinite, the gravitational and electromagnetic waves it represents cannot be restricted to the up-down direction but must include all directions. That means it would include the horizontal direction and interact with the x-axis – with the waves rotating to produce ordinary mass (and wave-particle duality) in the x-axis’ space-time, and dark matter in the y-axis’ imaginary space-time (recall the mass-energy equivalence shown by Albert Einstein's E=mc^2).

*The chargeless Majorana fermion can be described by what I call Vector-Tensor-Scalar Geometry (a geometry inspired by a 1919 paper by Albert Einstein which asks if gravitation and electromagnetism play a role in the formation of elementary particles). ^ Negative vector-1 electrons minus the negative vector-2 electrons equal (-y) - (-y) = 0. This can be expressed as y + (-y) = 0, which clearly highlights its similarity to the Riemann hypothesis’ ¼ + (-1/4) = 0 (in terms of the first equation, this is -1/4 – (-1/4) = 0. The last pair of expressions resolve conflict regarding whether the first term in the lower half-plane of Riemann’s hypothesis is positive or negative (either can be used).

^ Vector-Tensor-Scalar Geometry suggests that the waves also aid formation of the Higgs boson and the bosons of the nuclear forces discovered in the 1930s. The Riemann hypothesis can apply to the fundamental structure of the mathematical universe’s space-time, and VTS geometry (see the section below) unites the fermions composing the planet Mercury with the bosons filling space-time. Thus, the hypothesis also applies to the body of Mercury itself. The planet’s link to Wick Rotation means Mercury’s orbit rotates (the Riemann hypothesis is the cause of precession, which doesn’t only exist close to the Sun but throughout astronomical space-time as well as the quantum scale).

VECTOR-TENSOR-SCALAR GEOMETRY (severely shortened to essentials)

As Alessandro Rizzo, a colleague on wrote during one of many valued discussions –

“There is an important correlation between (Albert) Einstein’s relativistic equations and the Prandtl-Glauert equations for fluid flow. (James Clerk) Maxwell had already established a powerful correlation between electromagnetic waves and fluid dynamics.”

(Note - This shows that the fluid relationship between gravitation and electromagnetism could also describe the flexibility, in Vector-Tensor-Scalar Geometry, of producing fermions or bosons at quantum scales and of forming black holes or planets at cosmic scales.)

The following method of building planets is preferred to collisions between rocks and dust in the disk because most planetary systems seem to outweigh the protoplanetary disks in which they formed, leaving astronomers to re-evaluate planet-formation theories. (AstroNews. Astronomy. Page 17. February 2019)


Figure 2 - Parallelogram With Diagonal And Central Scalar Point - Interaction of Gravitation and Electromagnetism Produces a Momentum in Gravitons and Photons (and a Pressure Which is Known as Mass). Drawn by author.

A vector is a quantity which possesses both magnitude and direction. Two such quantities acting on a point may be represented by two adjoining sides of a parallelogram, so that their resultant is represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram (AD and CD, for example, can symbolize the electromagnetic and gravitational vectors … while the resultant green diagonal of DB substitutes for the interaction of those two forces). A scalar variable is representable by a position on a line, having only magnitude e.g. the red dot on the diagonal, symbolic of the Higgs boson. A tensor is a set of functions which, when changing from one set of coordinates to another, are transformed in a precisely defined manner (e.g. changing from the coordinates of AD and CD to those of the green diagonal, or of the red dot, is a transformation performed in a particular way).

Two sides thus illustrate the graviton's spin 2 and the photon's spin 1. The resultant diagonal represents the interaction of the sides/vectors (1÷2 = the spin ½ of every matter particle). Tensor calculus changes the coordinates of the sides and diagonal into the coordinates of a single (scalar) point on the diagonal. This scalar point is associated with particles of spin zero. (Klauber, R.D. Scalars: Spin 0 Fields. 2018 the mass produced during the photon-graviton interaction (the energy and momentum of photons and presently hypothetical gravitons produces a pressure we call mass) happens to be 125 GeV/c^2,* its union with spin 0 produces the Higgs boson. 125 GeV/c^2 united with spin 0 means the central scalar point of the Higgs boson is related to the vector of the graviton’s spin 2, and the Higgs field is therefore united with the supposedly unrelated gravitational field (together with the latter’s constant interaction with the electromagnetic field).

How is zero spin attained? This appears to be a consequence of matter, and the Higgs boson, both emerging from photon-graviton interaction. Two adjoining sides of a parallelogram can also represent the vectors of the photon’s spin 1 and the graviton’s spin 2. The resultant diagonal represents the interaction of the sides/vectors (1÷2 = the spin ½ of every matter particle): and division is merely repeated subtraction e.g. 4 subtracted from 20 five times equals zero, therefore 20 ÷ 4 = 5). These methods of producing quantum spin and the number zero lead to creation of the Higgs boson’s spin 0.

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