Lots of ways to go in this space, but it is always interesting to start with the most obvious drivers of work in project management: time to deadline and budget. What are their impacts on the quality of work and stress of employees associated with the project? I'm happy to dialogue with you further, as well.
I'm carrying our my research in work ethic and as I go further into the analysis and interpretations of my data, I've come to appreciate the relevance of this often 'misunderstood' construct in the world of work. Might be interesting to investigate work ethic among project managers?
Lots of ways to go in this space, but it is always interesting to start with the most obvious drivers of work in project management: time to deadline and budget. What are their impacts on the quality of work and stress of employees associated with the project? I'm happy to dialogue with you further, as well.
Thank you for all your valuable inputs. I am in favor of exploring disadvantages in "matrix type organisation structure", which is mostly implemented by big corporations. I hope an exploration in this area would be beneficial to SMEs.
Your guidance on above subject is much appreciated Dr. Arvind Jayant Mirna Leko-Šimić Timothy P. Munyon Belinda Nwosu
First of all, it seems to me, you should concentrate on your personal interest and then on the availability of the information you could get, that is, on key informants of the outlined topic, which will then surely take hold in the slopes of this initial trunk. regards
Ponder the questions that disturb you. Then discuss them with your faculty. Otherwise, the challenge ahead for project management is the excitation of project space by a trilogy of forces - public private partnerships (PPP), the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) and climate change. If you have an international outlook, maybe this conference paper will help you ask a few questions: Preprint Transport and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Cool to hear of your interest in how organizational structure impacts project outcomes. The trick is going to be finding enough organizations (and variance) to make your research work out. I would encourage you to use a snowball sampling approach to find project managers at different organizations so that you can get needed variance. Model the organizations at Level 2 in HLM (or Level 3, if you are studying within-subjects designs), and rock and roll.
From a process standpoint, I encourage you to look at the influence of structure (e.g., reporting structure in a matrix or other forms of structure) affects role stressors (e.g., role ambiguity, role conflict, role overload) and felt accountability. These are acknowledged stressors in the literature that tend to negatively impact performance (see LePine et al., 2005 - Academy of Management Journal for meta analytic results of challenge and hindrance stressors). Wayne Hochwarter's work on felt accountability will also be helpful.
1) Measuring the effectiveness of traditional project management compared to the new simplified project management (using tools such as kanban and taskboards) to carry out project work. The project management software industry has changed a lot to provide simpler tools for people are not professionally trained project managers but who have to lead projects. What is the success rate of these project teams compared to trained project managers?
2) How will artificial intelligence improve or impact the success rates of project teams?