Next year I go back to teaching an introductory satellite image processing class and, unfortunately, we need to get some new software - ERDAS Imagine has become too expensive for our department. Any suggestions, links, reviews, etc?


First, thanks for all the answers. I checked around the freeware and have talked to the commercial mobs. Here's some of what I've learned so far. ENVI - far too expensive. PCI Geomatics (Decided to work with me, will probably get their software!). Most of the freeware listed is 2-4 years old - a long time between updates. And looks a bit clunky. Best bets so far for freeware seem to be either GRASS or SAGA (note, I only need the software for a single quarter remote sensing class, so powerhouse software isn't really needed). GRASS scares me, mostly because of experiences almost 20 years ago..... :) And I've had good luck with SAGA on one project.

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