Case control study is good for examination of rare outcomes. Keeping that in mind select topics where you can investigate multiple risk factors simulataneously with a relatively few study subjects and with the easy of time and resources.
Thank You Sumanta Chakraborty ji...can you explain best statistical tests to incorporate in Cross-sectional and Case-Control studies to establish cause-effective relation...
Case control studies are used to study rare risk factors for diseases, however case control studies can be used to study the safety and effectiveness of drugs. You can compare the odds of rate of recovery of one drug against another or odds of adverse events of one drug against another.
Statistical analysis of cases control studies gives output in Odds Ration only, however you can use regression to measure the effect of various risk factors and adjust for confounders.
The statistical test will depend on the type of study. Cross sectional study can be both observational type as well as analytical type whereas case control studies are analytical studies. Now if you want to perform an analytical study, you need to have a null hypothesis first. Next you have to determine the levels of alpha and beta errors for inference. Next, determine the best statistical test for the stated null hypothesis. Then you need to perform that test (you may calculate OR, AOR, PAF for case control studies). Finally, draw your conclusions based on the results. Best wishes.