After importing excel files (xlsx) with "readxl" package in RStudio, many "TRUE" values seem in the imported file, is there any solution for this problem? The original value in the original file is the number "949" Screenshots as attachments:
I would also recommend to import files to R using the .csv extension and the function read.csv(), or .txt with read.table(). It is an extra step in excel, but so far I have not had any problems using these strategies.
I agree with Andric's answer since it is the same strategy for me: an extra effort rewarded by more reliability and flexibility. In addition to this, I would recommend to use the R package readr to import csv files, since it is faster than the basic R import functions.
> file1 write.csv(file1, file = "file1 .csv") worked . First code automatically gived "NA" values for the files either they have "." values or blank cell values. Thanks for your help.