Long story short, I'm using the GIS file from the census bureau, and after a lot of manipulation, i've finally been able to add hawaii and alaska to my plot, but i'm trying to find a way to once i finish the plot to have them bee at the bottom left of the screen as you would normally see them in other publications, does anybody have a suggestion on how i would be doing this?

I have uploaded the printed ggplot file and a file of a representation of how it alaska and hawaii should be seen

Many thanks!





tmp_county %

ggplot() +

geom_sf(aes(fill = NCT_Count), colour = NA, lwd = .1) +

coord_sf(crs=ea) +

scale_fill_gradient(name = "NCT Count", labels = scales::comma, high = "darkred", low = "white") +

theme_void() +


legend.key.width = unit(5, "line"),



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