Learning what?. If universities teach critical thinking as opposed to vocational training then they are doing what they are good at. Other wise they are diploma mills.
Learning what?. If universities teach critical thinking as opposed to vocational training then they are doing what they are good at. Other wise they are diploma mills.
I want to agree somewhat with Mohamed. Yes, universities can be learning organisations, but it depends on what and how they achieve such learning. I have found they can be culturally insensitive as well as get it right in teaching critical thinking, which is a 21st Century skill.
Many thanks,
Conference Paper Debating: A Dynamic Teaching Strategy for Motivating Student...
I'm not sure that Senge's "learning organization" is the best analogy (and it's limiting). To me, the question is, have we slipped from transformative to reproductive learning in light of predominant neoliberal models of higher education? Also, I think that the question needs to tease out a lot of concepts - including is she limiting to student experience (or the "teaching" component), or speaking of the university's function as a whole (research, teaching, service), and whether she is referring to "learning" as it relates to students, faculty, administration or community - or all of these.
One of my former colleagues once remarked that universities are places for two groups, scholars and scholars in the making.
Mohamad called it critical thinking and Laura touches on it above. Regardless of what the student does after graduation, I hope our student emulate the scholarly process of reading, listening, and understanding what others have said. Then by use of the scholarly process, they can add to perspective, ideas, and concerns in refined and civil manner.
What about the organizational culture among the university's employees (at any hierarchical level) ? How are the principles of the learning organization promoted regarding the internal working environment ?
I agree with all these above answers, but I believe that your question refers to the university as organization as well, and just because a university focus on the teaching and learning process it is not by definition a learning organization. I guess that we should consider the process of organizational learning as well and to identify those factors which are able to influence a university in becoming a learning organization. For me, there are three basic factors: 1) a visionary leadership able to create strategies for transforming the university into a learning organization; 2) an organizational culture able to stimulate the process of organizational learning, and 3) a high level of awareness from all the members of the academic community of the effort of transforming the university into a learning organization.