When a under performing PV Module/ Low Watt peak Module are connected in a healthy string And String output limited by under performing module. This string limits the output of String combiner box ( SCB ). This SCB Limits the Inverter generation.
21 Module connecting in series in a string each 310 Wp & one module of 260 Wp. string output is - 21*260 = 5.460 KW ( 21*310=6.510 KW )
One SCB having 24 String than Output is - 5.460*24=131 KW ( 24*6.510=156 KW )
One Inverter haning 9 SCB INV O/P is - 9*131=1179 KW ( 9*156=1404 KW )
Difference of 50Wp in a Module will make a difference of 225 KW ( 725 Module which is approx to one SCB ).
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