01 January 1970 5 5K Report

Though we live in a universe that has to be operated according to the second law of thermodynamic (entropy increase), once a while, I thought we human should contribute less to the chaotic status and control the energy distribution: TO PURSUE LOWER INCREASE OF ENTROPY. In this way, the environment may be well preserved and the universe may last longer. Biodiverse natural forest v.s. Overdeveloped chaotic city.

However, this belief kept being challenged by my or others' research work, especially in the field of materials science. As materials researchers, we aim at making materials with better performance. We have found that concentrated solid solution with high entropy of mixing, high entropy alloys proved themselves to be greater candidates than low entropy materials. And a scientist even pointed out that activities with spreading out of energy (high entropy) is more attractive to human than the monotonous ones. So, TO PURSUE HIGHER INCREASE OF ENTROPY.

This is a widely open discussion. Whatever field you're from, I want to know what your philosophy is on this subject.

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