A couple of reviewers deciding the fate of one's scientific work and amazingly one is favoring and the other extremely against :)

What are your opinions as I believe that there shall be centralized publishing for the scientific articles i.e one web page asking submission on Artificial Intelligence from around the globe instead of one thousands places to select from. We find hundreds of thousands of Journals and Proceedings that are publishing or rejecting after a review from couple of people where most of them claim to be the area experts but mostly are not. Researchers and students are wasting time to find the right place first and then are rejected due to language/presentation barriers or poor background or sometimes merely some impossible revision suggestions due to reviewers' being inactive researcher. Journals are also making their own monopolies to aim at unnecessary high impact factors. Consequently, many good researchers getting a dumb response due to comparatively above average work but not the well above average . More interestingly, one work is sometimes rejected at a low impact factor place and gets accepted at a higher impact factor.

Open access is even worse as it burdens the authors with heavy amounts.

In my opinion, all the articles shall be published after an initial plagiarism check at one place or forum within a couple of weeks. Let the community decide whether the article is acceptable or not. The articles not cited within next one year shall be removed from the annuls.

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