10 October 2016 2 342 Report

Consider the scenario, that we have a Lookup table (LUT) which takes the desired value as input and output correspondingly the matched value in LUT. We don't want anyone to look into the LUT; hence it is embedded into an executable file [.exe] ( from matlab standalone application Or Visual Studio executable file etc Or any other API development kit) which can be referred as a black box.

How to prove its security in-terms of an adversary querying this .exe file for input and getting the response. The .exe file will output result if the input exists in LUT and the corresponding entry is matched.

Actually I am not good at defining security proofs or games. As a matter of fact i have searched too much papers regarding this to have an idea but all in vain. Moreover, I even have a doubt whether can I proceed with the concept of encrypting/hiding LUT by making an .exe file from it.

Your sincere comments will be appreciated.

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