I have chosen to conduct a descriptive (cross-sectional) study in my master thesis (Public Health programme). The aim is to determine anxiety and depression, among women diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. I would like to requite my participants through Facebook in PCOS Facebook support groups (more than 5000 members in total) and through Facebook Advertising tool to reach out to those not members of groups.

My questions: Is it possible to find the prevalence (of anxiety and depression among Danish women with PCOS), when the requited women on Facebook are not representative of the general population? Furthermore, is it possible to randomize the sample? If not, should I just use the word “proportion” instead?

Therefore it takes me to the last question about sample size; would I be able to calculate a representative sample size? I used Kish Leslie method and I got a number of 196. Is this a minimum number, and can I exceed that number of participants and therefore make the study stronger?

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