DCM files are useful but its a good practice to convert them into a single NIfTI format (all the slices in a single .nii file). You can use MRIcron (https://www.nitrc.org/projects/mricron/) to convert the DICOM files. For preprocessing, it really depends on what you want from your data, however, tools like FSL or FREESURFER are widely employed. You can visit https://neuro-pypes.readthedocs.io/en/latest/preprocessing/#t1-weighted-mri for preprocessing in R/Python. Saloni Bhatia
First, you need to convert your DICOM files (which is a format used in medical imaging) to NIFTI files (which is a format preferred by scientists). For this, instead of installing the whole MRIcron, I recommend only installing the dcm2niix part as explained here: https://github.com/rordenlab/dcm2niix. This alone should simply do the work of converting your DICOM files to NIFTI files.
Then as Aamir has mentioned, you can use Neuro-Pypes (https://neuro-pypes.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) which is a very good Python module for MRI pre and post-processing.