01 January 1970 4 7K Report

One of the areas that academic communities can exchange to support each other in upgrading and boosting research activities is the details of the core laboratory equipment that a certain technology area must have to be ready for conducting effective and up-to-date research.

My discussion here is about the equipment and apparatus that is necessary to be there in a power/electronics lab starting from scopes and passing by open architecture power electronics converter topologies, rapid control prototyping equipment, and hardware in the loop devices. The names of the pioneer companies specialized in producing such equipment to name a few of them:

- Applied Power Systems (an American firm) open architecture power converters.

- dSPACE (a German firm) specialized in HIL and RCP equipment and automotive testing equipment.

- Typhoon HIL (a Serbian firm) specialized in HIL and RCP equipment.

- Opal-RT (a Canadian firm) specialized in HIL and RCP equipment.

- Chroma (a Taiwanese firm) specialized in power supplies, power analyzers, automatic test equipment, electronic loads and a wide variety of equipment

- Tecktonics (German firm) Test & Measurement equipment

I hope that this discussion can extend to add other new equipment and new companies. Let us know what is the latest piece of equipment that has been added to your lab in the last couple of years!

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