The project seems to its sound footing however I have few suggestions:
1. Cow manuar, is it so specific to cow or it could be used as organic manuaring. In case of Phaselous it is excellent to use organic manuar and to reduce synthetic fertilization load as it can fix the nitrogen. There is no mention about the nitrogen fixation by the legume plant, you may add the effictive nodulation and nitrogen fixation by the plant.
2. The partitioning of dry mass need to be worked out by maintaining maximum LAI during vegetative stage only.
3. Irrigation water need to be taken care during the cropping season, in the project nothing has been said in this direction.
4. If you are not working on seed production, the term grain yield may be used insted seed yield.
5. If along with PAR PN is recorded it may indicate more about the PN rate and source sink relationship i.e. weather PN is sink driven or not in these two genotypes or not.