Well, the question is quite vague in its current state. CMR model is a large family. You should first mention what are you trying to estimate (Survival, recapture, transition), how did you sample how many sites etc. then we can help you out with the script, whether it is Cormack-Jolly-Seber, multistate model, POPAN...
Well, the question is quite vague in its current state. CMR model is a large family. You should first mention what are you trying to estimate (Survival, recapture, transition), how did you sample how many sites etc. then we can help you out with the script, whether it is Cormack-Jolly-Seber, multistate model, POPAN...
Thank you Rabeh, I just received a responce from Dr. Nedjah that fits perfectly ours dataset (R script for robust design estemating survival, abundance and recruitment)