Dear All,

I prepare trimetallic Pd-based catalysts supported on carbon and apply them as electrocatalysts for ethanol electrooxidation which is my main target.

Yet, an idea occurred to me that those materials might be suitable as ORR electrocatalysts as well and I am unaware of it.

That is why I have tried one sample (comprised of Pd, Ni, and Ag on C) for ORR. The cyclic voltammetry graph is attached and was performed in 1M KOH at 50 mV/s. I have no experience at all with the ORR reaction kinetics. That is why I am sharing the result with you and hope for some advice about it. What are the ORR steps vs applied potential? Is the pH (14) suitable or not? What are the peaks that could be seen in the graph? I did not saturate the KOH with oxygen, what is the implication of that?

Thanks for your kind attention.

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