The leaves of family Rutaceae contains Pellucid glands which are responsible for the aromatic smell of the family members. Traditionally they have been the primary synapomorphic characteristic to identify the Rutaceae. So you can confirm the family by smelling the leaves of plant.
The species you mention has spherical red fruits, like some other Glycosmis species (definitely not like in the photo). And by the way, from Greek: erythros (ερυθρός) = red
Any case, without more detailed photos, location, and habitat description the precise definition of the plant looks challenging.
Now a day’s electronic media has achieved extraordinary milestones relevant plant identification. There are so many apps are present to identify plants. You can take a snap from your cell phone, it will identify about captured plant, also provides basic details like botanical name, family, cultivation and uses. You can easily identify plant through modern electrics. You can download app from play-store named snapplant, pictureThis etc.
If this information is helpful for you then let me have its feedback.