What do you think about innovation of Online Coaching With the use of Technology to develop students skills and what kind of professor, Instructor needs to be the coach of this students...
I believe that Online Coaching can help students a lot to develop their skills in certain areas, such as communication skills, management skills, and marketing skills.
LMS has slowly started evolving as a convenient model. We have also incorporated the voice over in LMS to facilitate better understanding of the concepts as Audio Visual overtakes only audio mode.However there are some limitations in LMS compared to a classroom set up in as much as once the same is designed,it is inflexible for change. The feed back system or answering questions on real time basis, or understanding whether the participants are following the topic or not (which is available in the classroom system) is not available. Standardization is achieved and with questions at end of each session, evaluating understanding of topic is also possible. However to make it complete,it should be followed by a contact class of few days duration when all the topics could be revised and all doubts with examples could be given to clear the doubts. No doubt we have the system of referring questions or doubts in LMS which will be answered by the expert faculty at LMS, . However in practice as it is designed for a standard session,the actual blocks for student understanding (including language,accent, background,knowledge etc hamper full understanding of the topic and follow up teaching for ensuring understanding of the topic and clearing all doubts is not available.Compared to actual classes,the percentage of doubt's/queries received are also very less.
New platforms like edmodo are helpful in understanding the answers and/or areas of subject which are not understood by the participants during evaluation.