As the author said in his discussion, are we going to witness any progress in imitating the conscious or the planning levels of the brain, using the same existing artificial neurons?
Long ago when I was an under-grad student we had Expert systems and AI ...
Now AI is back .
What is AI ????set of algorithms that learn as they go !
How do they learn - either by # training (Machine learning algorithms or ANN )
How did these come into existence ? One pass algorithm are no longer workable so let there be depth , a network of decision making flow close to neural connectivity of brains !!!
Only catch : We can generate new/different response each time , can machines do that ????
However, I remember a post in jan 2018 by Yann LeCun, where he propose to focus on Differenciable Programming as a successor of deep learning. Mathematically speaking, is Differenciable Programming more simple or more complex than deep learning. Furthermore, could it provides an easier tool to design more intelligent systems.
Yeah , with machines Ziad, "differential" (hope is Differenciable Programming ) the incremental steps (like gradients or regression) have to improve in terms of granularity then real -world analog can be mimicked and so can the results improve , that is how i interpret.
Intelligent tool I agree , as I said the finer the tool workings are greater is the precision and lesser is the error factor and approximation needed , that is why we have bias !!!
What we actually search for is always to have more precision and minimum error. But, this is not intelligence that we are looking for. Intelligence is acting conscious with cognitive thinking, and emotions ... taking good decisions or any other decision for some reason. Is the available neural network and machine learning algorithms good enough to lead the way to any start of more realistic smart systems?
Yeah one student I know , is working on psychological metrics based on data collected from questionnaire(s) . Again assuming subjects are honest in answering :)
This is done for HR application, it analyzes the traits of personality, but is still in the same field of data mining and forecasting. I was asking if there is any research about an emotional or social system based on ANN, not by data classification?