Hey guys,

I'm working on an EEG and ECG synchronicity analysis via entropy analysis, i.e. (Cross) Multiscale Fuzzy Measure Entropy, in a post-physical exercise, recovery setting.

I already calculated Fuzzy Measure Entropy for EEG and ECG time signal of 1s interval length. EEG and ECG time signal was divided into the same interval length of 1s each in order to be able to calculate Cross Fuzzy Measure Entropy between EEG and ECG for synchronicity analysis. Entropy values of the 1s intervals were averaged to one minute values. Samplerate was 1024Hz and entropy dimension parameter M was set to 2. So, there a enough data points according to the present recommendations of 10^m data points considering Sample Entropy or Approximate Entropy and even less recommended data points for Fuzzy Entropy.

But I'm wondering, if 1s intervals of the ECG (corresponding to 1-2 heart beats) are long enough to evaluate the heart irregularity. Other studies often used much longer time intervals of ECG signal or didn't use the ECG signal at all, but RR-intervals. I couldn't find a recommendation of time length or heart beat amount in order to evaluate the heart irregularity correctly. Do you have any advice?

Furthermore, due to the fact that the brain and the heart "work" in different time scales, I'm working on a multiscale entropy approach to hopefully get a clearer view of the time scale effect between EEG and ECG irregularity analysis. I already calculated Multiscale Fuzzy Measure Entropy for EEG and ECG signal separately (scales 1-20, 1s intervals, 1024Hz sampling rate). Does anyone already made some experience in this context and could me give some advice? Does a Cross multiscale analysis between EEG and ECG makes sense in order to reduce the problem of different time scales in EEG and ECG signal?

Thank you very much in advance!

Best regards,


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