
Is multicollinearity possible in SEM research? I have six latent variables in my hypothesized research model, and four of these variables hypothesized to have direct effects on two other variables.


A, B, C, D are exogenous, and E, F are endogenous variables. A, B, C, D are hypothesized to have a direct effect on E and F, and E is hypothesized to have a direct effect on F. So it is a saturated model.

The two endogenous variables (E and F) appear to have a high correlation according to the initial measurement model results: .876. My confusion is that one exogenous variable has a positive correlation with an endogenous variable (A with F), however, when I conduct the structural model assessment, it has a negative effect on the endogenous variable. My suspicion was that the two endogenous variables (E and F) were causing multicollinearity in the model, so I removed the variable E from the model just to see if the sign was going to change to positive. However, the sign remained negative after I removed the variable E from the model and conducted the assessment again. Is this normal in SEM research - to have a positive correlation but a negative direct effect? Does it mean that there is no multicollinearity in the model because the sign remained the same after I removed the variable E?

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