I am interested to know what is the information (in terms of microstructural parameters), if any, that gets transfered from Hot Forming to final fatigue life of any component, considering the fact that it has undergone various intermediate Heat Treatments operations like Normalizing, Carburizing, Quenching and Tempering between Hot Forming stage and final fatigue testing stage. In other words, how can I bring in the effect of Hot Forming of a Gear blank, on to the fatigue life of final finished gear, from a modelling perspective? I am a bit confused in this regard, as i think the recrysatallised microstructure must be getting effected during various heating and cooling cycles involved in various heat treatment processes and not much of the modellable-information must be getting transferred which can effect its final fatigue life. It would be highly appreciated, if any one can throw more light on this.

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