Hi I try to interpret the UDF example which is in the UDF help of fluent about DEFINE_HET_RXN_RATE, but I have syntax errors (line 2 and 3) and "structure reference not implemented" (line 9,10,11). This example specifies an Arrhenius type reaction rate for heterogeneous reactions. Anybody could help me? Thank you in advance.

#include "udf.h"

static const real Arrhenius = 1.e15; static const real E_Activation = 1.e6; #define SMALL_S 1.e-29

DEFINE_HET_RXN_RATE(arrh,c,t,hr,mw,yi,rr,rr_t) {

Domain **domain_reactant = hr->domain_reactant;

real *stoich_reactant = hr->stoich_reactant;

int *reactant = hr->reactant;

int i;

int sp_id;

int dindex;

Thread *t_reactant;

real ci;

real T = 1200.; /* should obtain from cell */

/* instead of compute rr directly, compute log(rr) and then

take exp */

*rr = 0;

for (i=0; i < hr->n_reactants; i++)


sp_id = reactant[i]; /* species ID to access mw and yi */

if (sp_id == -1) sp_id = 0; /* if phase does not have species,

mw, etc. will be stored at index 0 */

dindex = DOMAIN_INDEX(domain_reactant[i]);

/* domain index to access mw & yi */

t_reactant = THREAD_SUB_THREAD(t,dindex);

/* get conc. */

ci = yi[dindex][sp_id]*C_R(c,t_reactant)/mw[dindex][sp_id];

ci = MAX(ci,SMALL_S);

*rr += stoich_reactant[i]*log(ci);


*rr += log(Arrhenius + SMALL_S) -


/* 1.e-40 < rr < 1.e40 */

*rr = MAX(*rr,-40);

*rr = MIN(*rr,40);

*rr = exp(*rr); }

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