I appreciated very much this sentence about your field of research:
The world is divided between people who make things and people who take the credit. Search if you can, to belong to the first group. There is much less competition.
I appreciated very much this sentence about your field of research:
The world is divided between people who make things and people who take the credit. Search if you can, to belong to the first group. There is much less competition.
To reach your target I think you need to work specialty social media sites, here are a few:
Contribute where you can and I think you will find support there.
Also, you can email business school coordinators (any university), graduate level. Ask them to distribute your survey through their directories (some school won't allow this, others will be glad to help). Lastly, you can do it the manual way, choose a company, (3M, Toyota, Loyd Bank, BP) go through the personnel directory and email people directly (and diplomatically-ie: I'd love to have your opinion and offer to share results). A day of cut and pasting and hopefully you'll reach your target.