It's very much a cyclopoid copepod with clutch. Picture is not clear. Antenna and antenule length and segments needs further dissection with clarity. pl name the microscope and at what magnification.
Thanks to Gouasmia G, Ramanibai Ravichandran and Tariq H. Y. Al-Maliky all. I am also working with zooplankton. It was very important Whether it is a Mesocyclops sp. or not?
I agree with Dr. Gouasmia - needs female of photo 2 better and more photos (better to identify). But even male (photo 1 & 3) can try but need supplement data like: body size of adult, furcal length and width and its separate photo, antenna separate photo, P5 good photos, formula of endo- & exopodites and of legs spines, dents of thorax (if exist). So, you should cut abdomen from thorax (you need sharped needle!).
It looks like a Mesocyclops to me. And Mesocyclops iranicus which now appears to be Mesocyclops aspericornis in Iran is a good start for your identification. I agree with the others that dissection is necessary for confirmation but the V shape of the caudal ramus suggest Mesocyclops. Fairly common copepod in ponds.
This copepod is a tiny Cyclopoid . The identification requests delicate dissection of the legs with focus on the differenciation between the right and left 4th or 5th leg in male and female .From which habitat is the specimen ?